Friday, February 13, 2009

Bailouts are the Best!

Ohh, I love this word bailout! It gets me so excited to think of the magnitude of $700 billion! For instance, I wonder what that amount looks like in my living room? If I were to pile it all up could it fit in my house? Or what if I just wanted $700 billion in singles? You know just $700 billion $1 bills?! To me, like most Americans, $700 billion in inconceivable. The magnitude of it is on the same level as ending world hunger and peace in Africa (another imaginary place to most developed country citizens). Yet you and me are footing the bill which I prefer because I love paying for goods and services that I never see!
Let's face it, $700 billion is a pretty good size chunk of change and frankly putting it in my living room would greatly impact the view of my non digital ready television. So where do you put all that money? Most banks can't answer that question. In fact, I bet if they were audited by the IRS (which we all know only happens to hard working middle class Americans - right Tom Daschle?) banks would be hard pressed to find any paperwork documenting the allocation of funds.
That's why I commend Associated Bank and their generous leader CEO Paul Beideman; at least they can account for some of their hard earned bailout money. Really let's be honest, if someone gave you millions of dollars, no strings attached, wouldn't you spend a little on a winter vacation with you and 100 of your top performers to a high end Puerto Rican resort? That only seems logical! After all it is bailout money and Lord knows the Wisconsin based bank needs a bailout from the harsh Wisconsin winter. That's what bailout means right? Getting you and your friends out of a less than optimal situation (ie. Wisconsin, January?) - no brainer!
Really I don't know what all the fuss is about? Why are politicians appalled and upset at Mr. Beidemans use of hard working Americans, no strings attached, government gifted money? Our fearless, well educated leaders of Congress and Senate know what they're doing. They are the best and the brightest America has to offer; they are freely elected leaders in the world's richest most prosperous country! They wouldn't be so careless with $700 billion! That's a lot of money you know?!
Reference articles:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! B, you are right on the money! I wish we could get a list of each dollar spent. Luckily, every year, the government pays me (because military families don't make enough "taxable" income) so I am not feeling the extra burden yet! Nice article.... love it.
